Implementation and Evaluation of Financial
Empowerment Program for Widows and Women
in Poultry and Soap Making

Our program for June focused on providing financial empowerment and cash support to 17 widows and women who had previously been trained in poultry farming and soap making. Out of these, 10 women/widows received a sum of 10,000 naira each for soap making, while 7 women/widows received a sum of 20,500 naira each for poultry farming. However, due to a delay in the disbursement of the grant by WRAHP, this empowerment program that was initially intended for June took place in the month of July.

The program commenced on July 14th, 2022. An invitation message was sent to the selected women/widows via WhatsApp and SMS, instructing them to come to the AHF office on July 15th to collect their checks. On the designated day, 7 women arrived at the office and were addressed by the Executive Director, Mrs. Hope Nwakwesi. After words of encouragement and guidance from Mrs. Nwakwesi, the women were presented with their checks. They were advised to utilize the money wisely for the intended purpose, as their progress would be monitored through management and evaluation visits conducted by the AHF team. Exceptional performers might even be considered for more advanced empowerment programs.

The remaining women who could not attend the office on July 15th later arrived, and their money was transferred accordingly. The empowerment program continued for four days to accommodate these women.

On July 26th, a management and evaluation visit was conducted by the AHF Executive Director and the Program Officer. They visited one of the women who had been empowered for poultry farming as well as another woman who had been empowered for soap making, both residing in Igando.